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Our products




1. What material are made hammocks?


The hammocks are made from cotton fibers of high strength and finished in crochet and macrame.



2. Where and how hammocks are made?


These hammocks are made in the Colombian Atlantic coast, drawn up by 100% Colombian hands.



3. What kind of deck there?


There are a variety of bright colors and typical designs of hammocks to export, you can find more information on the product side.



4. How long has this company in trade?


Our company was established on April 29, 2009.



5. A few countries the product is exported?


is exported to 8 countries from Colombia



6. What kind of people can buy this product?


all kinds of people, many resources are needed to buy our products



7. Where is headquartered?


the principar headquarters is located in Bogota - Colombia



8. Few owners of the company consists?


Our company has 3 partners, Andrea Duarte, Harold Salazar, Diego Ortiz



9. Few hammocks are produced daily?


150 hammocks are produced daily



10. What payment methods are used?


Debit and credit online.

























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